Credit Transfer

Advanced Placement Course Reporting System


Advanced Placement (AP) tests are offered to high school students through College Board. Normally, high school students prepare for the exams by taking Advanced Placement classes at their high school.

With a sufficient score on an AP exam, you will be able to earn college credit and/or course equivalencies at any of Ohio’s public colleges and universities. This search tool will help you look up credit awarded for a given score at any of Ohio’s public institutions of higher education.  You are guaranteed to receive an appropriate college credit with a score of 3 or higher. 

If an institution does not offer an equivalent course corresponding to a specific AP exam, you will still be guaranteed to receive college credit, but not for a specific course or a set of courses. Instead, you will receive either Ohio Transfer 36 Credit or General Elective credit. To find out the applicability of each credit, please contact the admissions office at the destination institution.

To learn more about the Advanced Placement initiative, visit our Advanced Placement website.


Approved Course Options

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Additional Information

Transfer Module Area Credit- Credit that applies towards one of the five areas of the Ohio Transfer 36, a subset or a complete set of each institution's general education requirements. This credit will count towards the completion of a Transfer Module in one or more of the following five subject areas – English Composition/Oral Communication, Mathematics/Statistics/Logic, Arts/Humanities, Social/ Behavioral Sciences, and Natural Sciences.

General Elective Credit- General Elective Credit counts towards the total number of college credit hour and may apply toward one's degree completion.

AP Score- The American Council on Education (ACE) has interpreted and ranked what each AP score meant and made recommendations on how students can be qualified to earn college credit for AP exams.  The rankings, taken from the College Board's AP site, are as follows:



- Extremely well-qualified


- Well-qualified


- Qualified


- Possibly qualified


- No recommendation (not qualified)

Students with exam scores of "3" or higher are guaranteed to receive college credit, mainly in general education areas, upon entrance to any of Ohio’s public institutions of higher education.

Additional Information

In some instances, two possible credit awards are listed for a test. In these situations, the credit awarded should benefit the student most for his/her chosen area of study. Students should contact the destination institution to determine which credit they will be awarded.

If a student has taken multiple levels of a test in a single area (e.g. Calculus AB & BC, Computer Science A & AB, or a foreign language & literature), that student should contact the destination institution to find out how this credit will be applied toward his or her major.

For Studio Art tests, all materials should be retained for possible portfolio evaluation by the destination institution. Completion of the AP test does not guarantee admission into the Art major.

In accordance with the advanced placement policy, “When it clearly enhances the opportunity for student success, an institution should strongly advise that an AP score of at least 4 is needed for a student to be successful in a second course in a highly dependent sequence of courses in a STEM area. For example, an advisor should strongly recommend that an AP score of at least a 4 is needed on the AP Chemistry exam in order for the student to be successful in the second course in Chemistry.” If a student agrees to follow this recommendation from an academic advisor, he/she should be awarded appropriate area credit in lieu of the recommended AP course credit.

If you have any questions or need any further clarification, please contact Michelle Blaney,

Last Updated: 08/06/2013